I now have more cabinets and storage in my basement and bar area than I do in any other room in our house. Maybe more there than in any three rooms combined! I LOVE it!
Notice the new sink?
Our fireplace was refaced, and a few tiles from Pewabic Pottery in Detroit were added as accent pieces.
It still needs a good cleaning, they just grouted yesterday, but here's a closer look at the Pewabic tiles:
The tile in the shower is great--
On the crafting front, I've recovered a few chairs to place in the basement when it's finally finished. LOVE the fabrics we used! And I've uploaded some patterns into Ravelry for simple bags and hats. One pattern isn't an original design, but rather a modification of Danielle LaFramboise's Windmill Bag. Check them out, you may find something fun to knit!
The yarn I had processed at Stonehedge arrived on Tuesday, well ahead of schedule, and I'll start swatching with it this week while my friend Linda begins to play with color and see how it takes dye. We may have some fun kits ready before long!
So, what have YOU been up to?