Jan 18, 2009

New Year, New Blog

2009 has begun, and it was my very best intention to begin the new year blogging on my very own blog (since I'm no longer able to hijack the BSKG blog. . .)

I've accumulated a few patterns I've designed over the years and I get a big kick out of seeing my friends knit them. I'm hoping that this can be a space for me to share my creativity, and to keep a log of sorts of my work.

Look for PDF files to be hosted here soon!

1 comment:

  1. In new year we have to make also one new blog and we have to make that start from newly.We have to get one new blog domain and start from new in new year.

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Thanks for reading, I'm eager to read what you have to say in response. Your comments help me feel that I'm not writing into a void. . .keep them coming!