It's grey. I'm not sure if I should blame Joanie, or if this is my faulty memory, but there it is.

You can see that this one was well loved. Grey, and well loved.

I showed Mike the tan replacement vest I'm working on. . .he loves it. It's not grey, but hopefully it will be loved just as much. Ironic that it's called Dr. G's MEMORY vest. . .and I couldn't even remember the color he wanted! The back is done, and I'm almost up to the armpits on the front. My Father's Day deadline might be reachable.
That is, if I can hold off on casting on for my June KAL with Matlie. . .Juliet is calling, but I need to finish two things before I let myself cast on. If only I had another long weekend, I know I could find two small things to finish and then I could cast on guilt free!
If you live nearby, and are interested in an act of service, a friend is in need. Having been cancer free for just under three years, it has appeared again. Meal delivery is all she's asked for at this time. If you'd like to commit a Random Act of Kindness, please sign up here. Think of it as paying it forward. . .that Karma thing can kick you in the ass.
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