It may be that it's not growing as quickly as I'd like because I'm fondling this yarn--a Christmas present to myself.

My Grandmother worked at Greenfield Village when I was a teen, and I've always wanted to purchase this soft and bouncy merino wool grown at their historic Firestone Farm. In December when I took a trip there to hear some of my students perform, I saw some roving in their gift shop and inquired about the yarn. They brought some from another of their shops just for me, and some finally made it's way to my stash. I have four skeins that I think will be perfect for the Streamside Cardigan. I'm ready to cast on, but haven't knit my gauge swatch yet. Plus, I keep thinking I should finish another of my UFOs before I cast on a larger project like this. Still, it's distracting me.
If the new knitting projects on my horizon weren't enough, guess what arrived today?

I want to cut and sew and draft and revise and sew some more. The colors are fun, and my creative juices are flowing. I want to knit and sew and swatch and. . .I want to do all the things.
It's good that the weekend isn't far off.
After reading just the last few days of posts, I'd say you knit pretty darn fast! The scarf is lovely and the yarn you chose ..delicious!