The year 2012 brought me less Joy, Self, and Completion than I'd hoped. It brought loss and service to others and a bit of scattered startitis. Not that I'm complaining. Overall, I'm pleased with much of what I experienced last year. I do miss a good friend who passed away this fall, and wish I'd completed more of what I'd hoped to.
Regardless of your thoughts on resolutions and change in the new year, I hope that 2013 brings you and yours all that you hope for and more.
In keeping with last year's post, I'm picking three new words for my year.
Health. Education. Plan.
My mental health, physical health and spiritual health have all been a bit neglected recently. Not that I'm in ruins, but it hasn't been a priority for me. Putting health forward in my thoughts may help me to plan more healthy meals like I made for dinner tonight--Hoppin' John Bowl with Red Hot Tahini from

It may also help me to better prepare for the half marathon I intend to complete again this October.
As a teacher, education is always present. . .but often for others. I have a student teacher beginning her work with me soon, and I'd like to be sure that I take advantage of her time in my classroom to learn too. Also, there is much I'd like to learn about in many areas of my life. Maybe even share some of that here in my much neglected space on the web.
I'm contemplating a Julie and Julia-esque look at one of my favorite knitting books about mittens. That could come to play in this too, but will take some dedicated time and planning.
Oh yeah. . .that one.
My time seems to be running through my fingers lately. I want to make the most of the time I've got free from responsibilities and do the things I really want to devote my time to. I've been finishing up UFOs, and have already packaged and wrapped some things for next Christmas. It feels good. I'm enjoying this small burst of productivity. I desperately want to cast on for a new project, but I'm holding firm for awhile yet. My thirteen UFOs still hold some appeal for me, and I'd like to have a thoughtful progression into my next project. A plan. A plan for my knitting. Honestly, my finances too. . .and my exercise and eating and instruction and . . .well, I think you get the idea.
Here's a shot of my first finished item from 2013--the one that brought my UFOs closer to being single digits. A Tomten sweater knitted with scraps of icelandic wool from a friend.

So. How about you? Resolutions? Plans? What are your hopes for 2013? I'd love to compare notes.
love that stripey tomten! i hear you on the time factor; what is UP with that? where does it go? i have a crazy plan in mind to make a new dress for myself every month, some of my own design and some from the patterns i tend to buy and then never use. good luck to you with your resolutions tanya!