What we didn't expect was the overwhelmingly positive response we got. You guys! Thanks for the love!
Knittingally says: Thank you so much - I love the cowl!
Don't you just love the pink edge that she's included on the hat that she's working on?
Janedu says: SO excited. Completed the hat this a.m. and LOVE it. Cannot wait to make the cowl for myself.
IndoMary says: I love this hat pattern I have made 2 baby 1 toddler 1 small adult and 1 large adult. Easy pattern to follow and so cute. Can not wait to try this [cowl].
SharonRoseZ says: Thanks so much; I have yarn left from my hat so may make the cowl as well!
And she's right. . .if you start with two full skeins of Cascade 220, you can make an adult hat, and reverse the colors for the cowl, and might still be able to sneak out a baby hat with the left overs. When we were knitting the samples last year, we had a skein of Bare Naked Wools Ghillie that we couldn't believe how many hats we were able to knit with!
Take a look at how cute Sharon's hat is! It's just about to be sent off to the recipient.
I think if you poke around on Ravelry for a bit, you'll be inspired by all of the yarn and color choices you'll find. I'll bet you even have the perfect yarn just waiting in your stash.
I talked last week about what a great pattern this is for a beginning fair isle knitter, and it truly is. My local yarn shop, Have You Any Wool has used the Saint Padraig pattern as a intro to color work class more than once. Even if you've never knit with two colors before, you'll still have time to cast one on and get it finished before the holiday. I swear.
If you've got one on the needles, or one you'd like to share on Instagram, tag us with #saintpadraig or #maybeacrafted so we can seek you out.
You don't have the pattern yet?
I'll make it easy.

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