Feb 7, 2011

Camera Malfunction :-(

The best laid plans of mice and men. . .anyone know the poet?

I had loads of things to bring to Knit Michigan on Saturday, and planned ahead.  I had my bags and boxes packed and sitting on the porch when my ride arrived to pick me up, and that included my camera!  I'd hoped to take loads of pictures of the knitters, and shops, and contest entries, and contestants in the knitting contests. . .I had extra batteries, and I even remembered to grab the memory card out of the computer!  I was all set!

When I pulled out the camera for photo ops during the speed knitting contest, I got a message:  Memory Card Error  It seems that when I use the card in multiple cameras, only the nicer of the two likes it.  My inexpensive point and shoot camera was on strike!

Harriet (of the comments) took plenty of pictures, and promises to send them to me, or at the very least post them in the Black Sheep forum on Ravelry.  Suzanne has a few posted on her blog, too.  Me?  I've got nothin'

I did win the design contest (Whoo Hoo!) and had a great time teaching people to knit and chatting with friends all day.  The three to six inches of snow we got didn't bug me a bit!  I was cozy and happy all day long.  Hope you can join us next year!

Tonight is the first night of the Knitting class I'm teaching at my house.  There are spots still available if you're interested in joining us--we can figure out a prorated cost if you are--or make plans to join us in March.

Tomorrow is the Black Sheep Guild meeting, and I'm teaching a color work lesson as well as giving a demo on steeking.  If you've been interested in how either of those things work, join us!  I have my post-meeting post filled with all sorts of links ready to go already.

1 comment:

  1. I did indeed post the pictures on my project page in Ravelry. Let me know if you want them another way and we can try to figure out how to do that.


Thanks for reading, I'm eager to read what you have to say in response. Your comments help me feel that I'm not writing into a void. . .keep them coming!